Reminder: Internationaler Internet-freier Tag
28. Januar 2006 von Michael | Entspannung
Morgen ist der internet-freie Tag:
Have you started tilting your head sideways to smile? When you check your e-mail and it says „No new messages“, do you immediately check again? Do you dream in HTML? You could be spending too much time on the Internet. So Sunday January 29th has come along at the right time, as it is International Internet-Free Day.
Why an Internet-Free Day?
– Because it’s all too easy to miss out on face-to-face interaction with your family, friends and neighbours.
– Because the net can be addictive, and a day of cold turkey won’t hurt.
– Because blogging doesn’t provide your daily vitamins and minerals.
– Because you’ve got RSI coming on in your mouse arm.
– Because we all need time to reflect.
– Because the real world is a wonderful place.
– Because if the mere idea of it enrages you, you definitely need it
Meint zumindest, via Cem@vowe.
1 Comment:
2. Februar 2006, 14:36
Tja, den Tag habe ich wunderbar verpasst und deshalb war ich auch nicht am PC. Wäre ich zu Hause gewesen wäre es vermutlich anders gelaufen ;-)
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